Acorn Arboriculture and Forestry Consultancy Services


Tree Preservation Order, Conservation Area & Planning Conditions

Our consultants can guide you through the procedure providing an accurate arboricultural description of proposed works together with a map indicating the position in accordance with British Standard 3998:2010.

Acting as agents on your behalf we can submit a formal application to carry out works on protected trees. The process usually takes up to 8 weeks from date of submission.

We are not able to guarantee permission will be granted, but with our expertise and prior discussions with LPA tree officers’ our applications are generally met in our favour.

Trees & Construction BS5837:2005 Arboricultural Reports

Our consultants are able to provide various types of tree survey including:

1. Tree Survey in accordance with British Standard 5837:2005

  • Site survey to collate necessary information to prepare a Tree Schedule including
  • Identification of trees forming groups and areas of woodland, plotted on a plan with details of species, size, number etc.
  • Record quality and value of each tree or group of trees both on the plan and on a schedule.
  • Categorisation of trees by retention value as shown on Table 1 of BS5837: 2005.
  • Management recommendations for immediate surgery work and a report/specification of proposed works.

2. Tree Protection Plan (TPP) – to include the following information, all clearly identified and mark on a plan:

  • Tree/s for retention & Tree/s to be removed
  • Location of protective barriers (if necessary)
  • Ground Protection (if necessary)
  • Root Protection Areas
  • Storage of Materials
  • Construction Parking

3. Arboricultural Implications Assessment (AIA)

  • The presence of Tree Preservation Orders or conservation area protection.
  • The effect that the proposals may have on the amenity value of the trees, both on and near the site.
  • The above and below ground constraints.
  • The construction of the proposed development including the proximity of trees to structures.
  • Whether the development can be modified to accommodate the retention of trees that would otherwise be at risk or lost.
  • Tree surgery works.
  • Whether tree loss resulting from the development proposals can be acceptably mitigated by new tree planting.

4. An Arboricultural method Statement including:

  • Site construction access
  • Tree Protection Measures
  • Contractors’ car parking
  • Storage of materials
  • Phasing of construction works

Tree Hazard/Condition Reports

Trees with potential to injure people or damage property

Our consultants will undertake a tree survey to identify hazardous trees and report on their health and condition. Our report will prioritise any recommended remedial work as required.

We can provide full written surveys recording details of all trees on a given site or just those trees which are of particular concern, thus reducing the cost.

Woodland Surveys

Our consultants are able to offer advice on woodland management and provide you with a management plan to ensure that your woodland is maintained in a healthy and safe condition.

We can provide bespoke surveys to suit your individual needs.